Rabu, 16 Februari 2011




I like to sing songs.

I am fod of eating manggoes

We like to sing songs.

We are fond of eating manggoes

You like to sing songs.

You are fond of eating manggoes

Fanny likes to sing songs.

She is fond of eating manggoes

Faizal likes to sing songs.

He is fond of eating manggoes

They like to sing song

They are fond of eating manggoes

In sentences in Group A, we have the verbs like and sing. The verb like takes on different forms (like, likes) in the six sentences in the group. The verb sing has the same unchangeable form to sing in all the sentences. So, we have one verb which changes and the other which does not change.

In the sentences in Group B, we have a similar thing. We have the verb be in different forms (am, is, are) and the unchangeable verb form eating of the verb eat. So, here too, we have again one changing verb and the other an unchanging verb.

Definition of finite verb

a verb that has a subject, this means that it can be the main verbs in a sentences. It shows tense (past/present, etc) or number (singular/plural), A finite verb makes an assertion or expresses a state of being and can stand by itself as the main verb of a sentence.

Finite verbs change their form according to the number and person of the subject. For instance, when the subject is a singular noun, the finite verb break changes its form into breaks. Finite verbs are also governed by the tenses. For instance, when the sentence is in the simple past tense, the finite verb break changes its form into broke. Similarly, work changes into worked and sing changes into sang in the past tense.

Example of finite verb :

I read a book, She reads a book

I like reading, she likes reading

I drive a car, Lidya drives a car, She drove a car

Dina has eaten when Ria come in, By itself, the verb form eaten is called a non-finite verb When the auxiliary has and the non-finite verb eaten are put together, they make up a finite verb form has eaten.

Tamara was walking. Walking is non-finite and was is to be. When they are put together, they make up finite form was walking

Definition of non-finite verb :

a verb has no subject, tense, or number. The only finite verb forms are the infinitive (indicated by to), the gerund or the participle (present/past), nonfinite verbs must ordinarily combine with a modal , an auxiliary verb, or the infinitival particle to.

Example of nonfinite verb

Verbs ending in -ing. These are called present participles, they were cooking in Sinta’s house.

This non-finite verb form end in -ed; many also end in en. These are called past participles. I have written my letter ( the past participle written is non-finite and can’t be the main verb).

Talking is the children’s favorite pastime. ( talking is a gerund, verb to be noun)

I can’t afford to go out tonight

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