Sabtu, 20 November 2010


example of invitation card

Have you ever come to birthday party or wedding party? Definitely before you go in that party you will receive an invitation card. okay in this section I will explain you about invitation, let's check it out!!!

Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something.

There are two types of invitation

* Formal invitation

Formal invitation it usually originate from institutes, companies, and kind of it. Normally formal invitation is written invitation.

* Informal invitation

Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.

Verbal invitation


· Would you like to come to my house ?
· I would like you to come to my birthday party.
· Are you free this weekend ?
· If you are not busy, please try to come to my house.
· Let’s go to the Justin Bieber concert !
· Can you come ?
· We hope you will join us


Ø I’d love to
Ø I like that
Ø Thank you for the invitation
Ø It’s very nice of you to invite me
Ø That would be wonderful


* I’d love to, but I can’t
* I’m really sorry because I can’t come
* Sorry I’m really busy

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